Every year my family takes a beach vacation. This has become a tradition for us starting before I had children. As all parents know, a trip the beach before children and after is extremely different.
The first year I tried to go to the beach with my baby I did not know what I was doing. Three babies later, and many beach trips, I think I have the basics down.
I took my last baby when she was 8 weeks old and it went great. For that reason I am going to share some of my tips for taking a newborn baby to the beach.
These tips also work for babies of any age, and for any kind of vacation with a newborn baby.
I could write plenty about traveling with children, traveling with a breastfed baby, and traveling with multiple small children since I have tried it all.
But one of my easiest trips to date was when I had a four year old, two year old, and an 8 weeks old newborn baby.
While newborns require constant care and contact, at least they are not running away from you and trying to get into everything.
Now that my children are all a little older I look back on those newborn days fondly.
Can you safely take a newborn to the beach?
And when can babies go to the beach?
My biggest concern with each of my babies was always safety. When I brought my first baby to the beach I was so nervous and bought all kinds of sun protective gear.
According to the AAP babies under six months old should not use sunscreen or be exposed to the sun at all. You will need to keep them in the shade and dressed lightly.
If you absolutely must use sunscreen just use a minimal amount on small exposed areas like their nose.
Sun protection
Since we know an infant on the beach should not be exposed to the sun something which blocks UV rays is a must. When I went to the beach in the past I used my rocker under the baby beach tent.
This most recent time I used my stroller which had a bassinet with a large UPF sun canopy. I then placed the stroller under our entire tent.
This was perfect for the beach for a few reasons, it kept her completely shaded and covered, it allowed her to sleep comfortably, it kept her high off the ground so no sand to deal with or other kids kicking sand on her.
A rocker works well too but I preferred the stroller due the height and additional canopy coverage.
There are also UV protected swimsuits and clothing you can buy but my baby was not swimming and those items can be hot. I
preferred to dress her in light cotton and keep her in the shade.
Additional tips for taking a newborn to the beach:
These tips are more for a beach vacation, but of course you can modify for a day at the beach too.
Pack what you need but don't overdo it
Diapers, wipes, diaper cream, plenty of burp cloths and swaddles, outfit changes. These are the items you need with a newborn.
Since the clothes are tiny, bring as much as you can because with all the spit ups they are going to be getting changed a lot.
To save a little room on packing, you can always buy more diapers and wipes at your destination. I also like to bring some kind of portable white noise, there are apps for your phone which do this.
Now for the overdoing it part. I wasn't sure how I was going to deal with my baby on the beach and brought a baby beach tent, a baby bouncer, and a stroller with bassinet.
This was too much, a baby beach tent is great if you need a safe spot to lay your baby down, but if you have an additional canopy or tent it may be redundant. I found using a stroller or rocker under our tent is more than enough.
A place for your baby to lie in the shade on the beach is key.
For sleeping while traveling with a newborn, a bassinet or pack n play is all you need.
Both are not needed. I actually love this age for travel because you don't need all the big gear yet, and they sleep so well in small devices.

Here is my stroller with a sun protection canopy
Easy access for breastfeeding
I breastfeed on demand so at eight weeks that was a lot. I wore a top with my swimsuit so I could easily pull it up, pull the top down, and nurse her right on the beach.
Having a comfortable beach chair makes breastfeeding on the beach easier.
Nursing friendly swimsuits are amazing. I have had a few and they make access much easier. Especially if you are wet from swimming, we know how swimsuits can cling.
I have a few nursing friendly swimsuit suggestions here but they are not always necessary, it depends on how easy breastfeeding access is with your swimsuit.
I was able to breastfeed my baby on demand and then set her in her bassinet stroller, and have fun myself.
I did not feel tied down or have trouble with it at all. Keeping one clean blanket around to use and keep sand off my baby helped too. I love light muslin swaddle type blankets for the beach.
Wear your baby
When it's time to get out of the house, or go for a walk on the beach having a hands free baby carrier is a must.
I have used many kinds of carriers and they all work well, you can read all about baby wearing throughout my website.
A nursing pillow
While you don't need a nursing pillow, I have a travel one I have used for years. It is extremely handy from the newborn stage till about six months. I used this one every day on my beach trip and it was more than worth it.
I am not sure if this exact pillow is still available but there are many types you can buy which can help.
Anything you have to support your newborn while breastfeeding can help make your vacation more relaxing for you.
These are my tips for taking a successful beach trip with a young baby or newborn.
Please let me know, do you have any to add?
Sunday 10th of October 2021
We have a 8 year old and now 5 week old and live across the street from the beach , how long can we stay at the beach as beach gets hot and it’s Florida humid , also what is the best sun hat for 5 week old baby ? What about windy and to protect th e babies eyes from any sand from windy days ?
Monday 30th of July 2018
I play with my 3 year old and get all sandy. Then I need to nurse my daughter. Do you have any tips on the best way to get cleaned off?
Tuesday 31st of July 2018
I actually used a muslin blanket, similar to aiden and anais to brush myself off the best I could, they work pretty well for it. There definitely was a little sand around though! I just tried not to get it on my breast.
Sunday 15th of July 2018
What did you have you baby wear to keep her cool but also covered from the sun?
Tuesday 17th of July 2018
Hi, I would wear something lightweight like cotton onesie but then cover with a muslin blanket lightly and I always kept her in the shade as much as possible.