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Looking for an Ovulation Calculator?

I write a lot about pregnancy and breastfeeding on my blog...obvious, I know. One of my most popular posts is about pregnancy signs while breastfeeding. Usually I get questions from women who want to get pregnant again despite still breastfeeding. I tell them it is absolutely possible if you are ovulating (I have done it twice). While breastfeeding can prevent or delay ovulation, once you know it's returned you can get pregnant.

Once your period returns you will need to start tracking ovulation if you are ready to try to conceive (TTC). I have repeatedly recommended tracking ovulation as the first step. In fact, if you are not tracking ovulation you are pretty much winging it. There are many tools out there to help us get pregnant, I talk about them all the time, but a good ovulation calculator can help with this first step. There are many ovulation calculators available on the internet but I recently came across a pretty great one called quite clearly, Ovulation Calculator. This website definitely goes above and beyond your basic website calculator.

I am wishing I had known about this site when I was trying to get pregnant the first time. The knowledge is thorough and there is a community of message boards to join for support as well. I spent some time in the forums checking it out and it seems like a great resource.

Ovulation Calculator has many helpful infographics. I especially love this one on trying to conceive acronyms:

I mean seriously, do the abbreviations get overwhelming or what? This is so helpful for anyone entering the TTC world.

The site's owners conducted a survey and found that only 31% of women knew how to identify their natural fertility signs. It was this information that inspired them to write 12 signs and symptoms of ovulation.

Another helpful infographic with some of these signs of ovulation:

So there you have it. If you want to get pregnant, track your ovulation. Maybe you want to prevent pregnancy, or are curious about your body and your cycle, there are other reasons it's worth tracking ovulation as well.

If you are looking for more resources and tips for getting pregnant, check out these additional resources I have used.