When I was pregnant the first time around I kept hearing that I should have a birth plan. A birth plan is a document that tells your medical team your preferences for treatment during labor and delivery and after your baby is born. I really was clueless about what this should include and what I even wanted for my birth. I think I was really overwhelmed with information overload. I ended up taking a generic birth plan out of a book given to me by my OB and filling it out. It was pretty basic and when I got to the hospital and handed it to the nurses they just kind of laughed and said okay. I never saw it again.
Now my birth was fine. My water had broken and I was induced but I had never been set on having a non medicated birth. That may be surprising coming from a breastfeeding blog but I have learned a lot since then. I still don't believe there is anything wrong with a medicated birth if it works for you, but I do believe parents to be should think about their choices and work through their options. I also believe in being flexible because we know it may not go according to plan. While my birth was fine, I wish I had thought about it a little more and been a bit more prepared. My daughter ended up in the NICU and they gave her formula against my will (and my birth plan!) which is another story for another post. The point is you definitely cannot be too prepared.
Earth Mama Birth Plan
So, I already love Earth Mama Angel Baby products, and I recently found out that they have a free birth plan they offer on their website. I checked it out and it is SO thorough! This pretty much covers it all. Even if you are not sure what you want for your birth or you don't want to fill out a lengthy birth plan this is worth checking out. It covers the many scenarios you may face and will be helpful for determining your wishes. I definitely suggest checking this out! It's free and a great resource.
Let me know, did you or do you have a birth plan? Where did you find it and how did it work out?
Thursday 3rd of March 2022
I'm a maternal health nurse and would love a copy of your birth plan to share with clients.