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My Baby is Six Months Old

Six months, seriously? How did I get here? I can't believe my third baby, my last baby, is half a year old already. I feel like time is flying by.

Last year when I debated whether or not I even wanted a third baby, and even once I was pregnant, I couldn't fathom what a sweetheart she would be. I got lucky as can be with my last baby. She is the easiest, sweetest, chill baby. She's almost always happy and sleeps wonderfully (most of the time). I didn't always have it this easy with my others, I think I got a break the last time around.

It's blowing my mind how quickly this first year is going by though. With my first baby I didn't realize how fast each phase turns into a new one. It was all new to me, and I was always looking ahead to the next milestone. With my second, I was more aware, but this time I am super aware. I know it's a gift I get to do this all again since it wasn't exactly planned to have three children.

I spent the last two months with a pelvic injury that had me laid up. It was challenging to spend so much time not being able to do much, and I am finally getting back to normal. I've resumed most of my normal activities and it feels great. While it was hard not being as active as usual, I did get to spend a lot of time on the couch nursing my baby and enjoying her. Despite this, it's still going too fast.

We gave her the first bites of solid food yesterday and I was not ready! Oh no, no rush to starts solids here. I was happy to stick with nursing only for as long as possible. And, now after months either in my bed or in a co-sleeper, we are getting ready to set up a crib for her. She still doesn't have a room of her own, so she will be hanging out with me at night for a long time and I am just fine with it.

So, I am looking ahead realizing this is it, the last time to do all the first year firsts. And with time passing so quickly I am sure the second half of her first year will fly by too. I probably sound like a crazy person but the passing time is so bittersweet. I can't wait to watch my sweet girl reach her milestones, but I would love to keep her tiny forever too.

My Baby is Six Months Old