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I've Started a New Blog!

Well, I have been writing here at breastfeeding needs for almost three years! This blog has seen me through three babies and five plus years of breastfeeding almost nonstop. I love this blog and the readers it has brought in. And, this blog is not going anywhere. I still plan to post about pregnancy, breastfeeding, and parenting. But, as my children get older my interests have expanded and I want to write about more.

Starting a new blog

Before I started this blog I was in IT (information technology) for many years. Becoming a parent dulled that passion a bit but not much. More it was just I didn't have time to fulfill it. So, I have started a new blog called Mom Tech Blog! Please check it out if you are inclined. I decided not to combine the two blogs because women looking for signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding may not be interested (yet) in which tablet is my favorite for kids.

mom tech blog

So head over and check it out and let me know what you think! Meanwhile, I will still be posting here too. This blog is my first blog baby after all.


Sunday 12th of November 2017

Hey - good luck with your new blog. Good to see breastfeeding getting the attention it deserves.



Monday 13th of November 2017

Thank you!