I participated in a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for First Response. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. As always all opinions are my own.
Every women in the TTC (trying to conceive, for the uninitiated) world knows that the test to go to when you definitely want to confirm pregnancy is the First Response Early Result pregnancy test. It is considered one of the best pregnancy tests for early detection.
When I was trying to conceive my first baby I was part of many online groups of like minded women. We would take our pregnancy tests, post pictures of them to analyze, and obsess over the faintest of lines. There was one answer you would always hear when wondering if you were pregnant.. go get a First Response Early Result test ASAP. Also known as the 'FRER' in the TTC world. It is considered the best by most of the trying to conceive women that I know, and it is the test that I used to confirm both of my pregnancies.

First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test with Comfort Sure Design
Since I am already a fan, I was excited that I was given an opportunity to check out a new design of the First Response Early Result test.
When we are testing we really don't want to mess around with messy cups and then dipping the stick now do we? No, many of us just put that stick right in our stream and that's why this new design is so awesome. It is called the Comfort Sure design, and it has a 50% wider tip, a longer handle and a curved shape to fit in your hand and dip. It's shaped almost like a spoon! This will definitely make using a cup completely unnecessary and eliminate those messy testing moments.
And in case you are not familiar with First Response, here are a few of their other key features:
FDA Approved.
Designed to detect hCG (the pregnancy hormone) as early as 6 days before your missed period.
Easy to read results, 2 pink lines means pregnancy, within 3 minutes...and it can be used any time of day!
Considered to be 99% accurate when used from the day of your missed period.
Of course you can find this test at all major drugstores and grocery stores. It retails for $8.99 - $15.99 and you can always find more information on First Response's website.
Technology in pregnancy tests has really come a long way. In the old days you had to wait for a missed period and go to the doctor. Then we had analog and digital tests. And, now we have the wonderful FRER that we can start testing with days before our periods are due.
While I am not trying to conceive right now (and I wouldn't tell you here if I was!) I have always been a First Response fan and this new design is going to make testing for any woman trying to conceive even better.
TTC ladies, let me know your thoughts? Are you excited about this new design?
Sunday 20th of September 2015
As a pee on a stick addict- I can say that while I appreciate the longer handle the curved window is awful!! I have to squint my eyes harder to see anything. I really wish they would make the flat version as an option for those who don't want a curved window.
Monday 21st of September 2015
Hi Michelle,
I hear you!! The window is different and it seems more squished together or something. I still love the bigger stick though.
Danielle Herrin
Saturday 1st of August 2015
Ok so i took one of the redesigned PT yesterday and got a positive 5 days before period. This am i took another as im now 4 days before period but this one was the old design and it said negitive. ...im confused on which to believe. Does one detect lower hcg level s than the other??
Sunday 2nd of August 2015
Hi, I think the sensitivity is supposed to be the same! Just a different design. When testing so early there can be discrepancies though, I think it's common. Test again first thing in the morning and good luck!!
Thursday 16th of July 2015
I think it's terrible for POAS addicts... we need the cup in order to dip multiple tests! Not to mention getting a good close up picture of the barely there lines being more difficult due to the shape! lol
Thursday 16th of July 2015
haha so true Ashley so true!
Wednesday 10th of June 2015
yes, I always grab this test!!! Hoping for another "positive" soon! Fingers crossed!
Thursday 11th of June 2015
Ohh good luck!
karyl henry
Wednesday 10th of June 2015
If nothing else, I think the longer handle is critical!!! But I also think the whole thing is more ergonomically designed and easier to hold and read.
Wednesday 10th of June 2015
Hi Karyl, Yeah it's pretty cool compared to a straight stick. Why haven't they always made them this way haha?