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I Was on Good Morning America to Talk About Ovulation Tests

If you are trying to get pregnant my number one tip is to use an ovulation predictor test, otherwise known as an ovulation predictor kit or OPK.

I used them each time I got pregnant purposely and they work. OPKs help pinpoint your most fertile day of the month. If you are trying and really want to get pregnant, why wouldn't you use them?

Since this a subject I have written about, I was thrilled when Good Morning America reached out and asked if I would speak about it with them. I have never been on television and had no idea what this would entail. And, while 90% of my interview did not make the cut, a little bit did and they mentioned my blog.

It's taken me awhile to post about it, but you can see me on Good Morning America here and read their article about at home fertility tests.

I was on Good Morning America to talk about OPKs - Breastfeeding Needs