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Finland's 2015 Maternity Box Has a Focus on Breastfeeding

Finland has been providing maternity boxes to expectant parents for over 75 years. The practice drew attention all over the world recently with a series of articles highlighting the benefit. I know I was fascinated when I read about their baby boxes. These baby boxes are provided to expectant parents and include many supplies for a new baby. The box itself can also be used as a first crib with its included mattress. This is a benefit that has been provided by Kela -Finland's Independent Social Security Institution for many years.

Well, Finland's 2015 maternity box has a focus on breastfeeding. So cool! There will not be any bottles provided in this year's box but it does include nipple cream and nursing pads. The box has a total of 54 items. Mothers can opt to take a cash maternity grant of 140 euros instead of the box but almost all opt for the box. The box is a rite of passage for many new parents and changes with the times. It has also been credited with lowering the infant mortality rates in Finland over time.

A look at the contents of the 2015 Finland maternity box


Image courtesy of Kela & Annika Söderblom/Nana Uitto

What are some of the other items you can find in the box?

A snowsuit, a sleeping bag, a quilted suit, and a wool mix suit

Several types of hats.

Several types of socks.

Many clothing items including rompers and footed sleepers, pants, tops and pajamas. All of these come in gender neutral colors and adorable patterns.

A mattress, mattress cover, sheet, blanket and duvet cover.

A bath towel and grooming necessities; nail scissors, thermometer, toothbrush, hairbrush and bath thermometer.

Reusable diapers and inserts.

A few things for the parents including condoms, sanitary pads and of course the nursing pads and nipple cream!

A couple of bibs, a book and a toy.

And the box that holds it all can also be used as a first crib. Amazing!


Image courtesy of Kela & Annika Söderblom/Nana Uitto


What a great benefit for expecting parents. I love that this year's box has a focus on breastfeeding. I wish we had something like this in the United States. I have heard of a few companies that make boxes like this for a fee but is it really the same as the real thing? Well, I may just have to check a few out and review them. Stay tuned!




Proud Nations | The Confluence

Saturday 27th of June 2015

[…] sure that it’s strong with economic assistance and job security. In Finland, for example, each new baby gets a gift box of clothes, diapers, blankets and other goodies (including condoms for the parents). The maternity […]