I was provided an Ergobaby Omni 360 baby carrier to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own.
I have reviewed a lot of baby carriers on my blog and I have personally used many of them. I have been an Ergobaby fan since I had my first baby over five years ago. My second carrier and the one I have used the most throughout three children is an original Ergobaby carrier.
Then last year I tried the Adapt carrier with my third baby. What made the Adapt unique to all their previous carriers was the ability to use it with a newborn without needing an insert of any kind. The one carrier of theirs I never tried was the 360 because I truly did not feel the need to have my baby face out, and it gave up other features I did want.
So imagine my excitement when I found out Ergobaby is launching a new all in one carrier called the Omni 36o which does it all.
And, I do mean all. No insert needed, and can be used with a newborn, baby can face in, face out, ride on the hip and the back as well. And, then imagine my excitement when I was picked by Ergobaby to test this carrier out. So, yes I did receive this carrier for free but as always the opinions are all mine.
The Omni is easy to use and adjust and can be used up to 36 months. As I said above it does all positions and is the most versatile carrier from Ergobaby. It has lumbar support on the back which I love and the shoulder pads can be crossed and are extra cushy.
Another new item is the shoulder strap buckles have an extra safety feature, they have a tiny lever to lift before removing them. It's still easy to operate one handed. The Omni holds your baby in a healthy "M" leg position. There is a small zipper pouch on the front of the belt, it is removable if you do not want to use it but it holds a lot. I could easily fit my phone and a small wallet. There is also a hood tucked into the top upper pocket.
To get the right fit first adjust the leg position using the velcro inside of the carrier depending on the baby's height. This is similar to the Adapt and I always found this easy to use and the velcro strong. The head rest can be folded in for a newborn folded out, or raised up for extra support using the side buttons. On the leg area there are black and gray buttons. It is important that you adjust the legs to the inner grey buttons for facing out. This makes the seat narrower and safer for baby. The rest of the time it is on the black buttons.
Some specs from Ergobaby:
Front facing in
From newborn Min. 7lbs / 3.2 kg & Min. 20in / 50.8cm
Best position for baby during 4th trimester (0-4 months)
Front facing out
From 5 months Minimum and 14 lbs / 6.4 kg. Baby must have strong head control and chin is above carrier.
From 6 months Minimum and 17.2 lbs / 7.8 kg. Only use once baby can sit on their own.
From 6 months Minimum and 17.2 lbs / 7.8 kg. Only use once baby can sit on their own.
Additional baby wearing tips:
When doing a back carry make sure baby has a nice "C" position against your body. Front facing out carries are only for when your baby is alert and not sleepy. If baby becomes overstimulated remove from a front facing out carry.
The Babywearing ABC’s
A is for Airway
Can you see baby’s face? Keep child close enough to kiss and in view at all times.
B is for Body Positioning
Front Carry: Be sure the carrier supports baby without slumping, with baby’s knees at or above bum. Facing Out: Make sure baby has complete head and neck control and chin above carrier. Back & Hip carries: Baby should be sitting unassisted.
C is for Comfort
The carrier should be comfortable for you and baby. If you do not feel comfortable and confident with the carry you are doing, please contact Ergobaby directly.
I have loved every Ergobaby carrier I have owned and this one is no exception. In fact being able to have all the positions makes it the most versatile carrier I've ever used. I never thought I needed a front facing out carrier but this one was comfortable and my baby really seemed to enjoy it. In the future I will compare this carrier to several others I own but if you have any questions about it please let me know!
Check out the Ergobaby Omni 360 on the Ergobaby website here
If you are purchasing via the Ergobaby website use CODE: jo8KbuYBBM for 10% off, works for 1 of each item in cart, expires December 31, 2019.
As always, shipping is free!
Or get it on Amazon with free shipping and returns for Prime members!
Monday 16th of July 2018
Hi! Congrats on such a cool way of living and enjoying life :)
Quick question for you: Even with pants on, my newborn baby's little feet turn a bit red from wearing, do you have any idea if his skin is just too sensible and this is normal or am I putting him wrong / making a mistake ?
I look forward to hearing from you!
Tuesday 17th of July 2018
Hi, I don't think they should be red but I do recall my newborn's feet kind of looking that way too. It may just be a newborn thing. But in general babywearing should not be squeezing or causing any redness.
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Saturday 9th of June 2018
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Diane Aquino
Tuesday 6th of March 2018
Hi I have omni 360. My newborn is just 6.2 lbs, is it okay to use it to her?
Wednesday 7th of March 2018
Hi, The official weight listed by Ergobaby is 7 pounds but you are very close and I think it will work fine. I would just make sure her head is supported and follow the instructions. If you feel better maybe wait until she is up to 7 pounds which should not be long. Good luck and congrats!